
The Tiny Dog who Barks Things Away

This the true story of me, Ladybug!

The Momma C  is my third owner, as far as I can remember. My tale/tail is a little less crooked, but I’m missing a few spots…

So, when the Momma C got me, my teefs were not very good and I would only eat out of my person’s hand. I got in the previous Momma’s car and I went for a big ride to the Port Angeles ferry… at that time I was an American. Then the Momma C had come on the ferry to pick me up, but in all the excitement I was locked in the previous human’s car and the people had to call some dude with the lock thing to break me out in time for the Momma C to take me across the sea to the place they call Canada! I got all wrapped in a blankie. It was a bit scary, but I was happy.

My memory is a bit foggy, since I was just a wee pup, but I do know that a vet tech named me. All I remember is my back leg hurt soooo badly and the people fixed me up, but then I don’t know where my original people went! They gave me to a new lady before the Momma C – and now you know my little curly tale!

Since then, I had a lot of teefs pulled… TWICE! That’s why my fangs really stick out. I hope they make me look fierce! I also learned to walk on a leash, sit, and all those other things humans are bothering their dogs to do… I will also hike off leash and stay with you, but you have to be careful for deer because I will chase them away! I also have this funny fuzzy brother guy. He is my friend and I love him even though he is always trying to snarf things up!