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Ladybug’s Book Character Interview

Ladybug is Buddy’s best friend. She appears at the end of Book One in our short chapter book series, The Dog with the Crooked Tail. In Book Two, which I’m currently drafting, she is the feature character – The Tiny Dog Who Barks Things Away.

Barking Things Away

Momma C: Ladybug, I hear your book character name is The Tiny Dog Who Barks Things Away. Why do you have to bark at everything?

Ladybug: Well, for one thing, I have to protect you, Momma C! I can’t let big dogs, bad buses, or stinky garbage bins bother you. Also, everyone, including you, should only pay attention to me. I’m very cute and I love visiting more than hiking, even. I have to bark away all those bad things because they take the attention away from ME!

Ladybug’s Favourite Words

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Momma C: I put lots of Buddy’s favourite words in his book. What are your favourite words? 

Ladybug: Number 1 is CAR RIDE. Basically, all cars are for me. You know, Momma C! If it’s too cold out and I’ve had enough walking, I stop at the closest  car… I’m not sure why you won’t just let me in!

My second favourite word is HIKE. When you say “hike,” Momma C, it’s an extremely exciting word! I have to jump up on top of my dog kennel to wait for you. You should just hurry up! You know that I am the leader of a big hiking group, and I have to protect them ALL! When I hike, I get to look very frightening in my spike vest, like a punker pup. If my barking doesn’t scare all the baddies away, that spike vest definitely will. You keep saying that you make me wear it to protect ME from all the big dogs and birds and bears – but I’m not sure why you think I can’t protect myself!

If Ladybug was a character from another book… she’d be Piglet AND Tigger!

Momma C: If you could be a character from another book or show, who would you be?

Ladybug: I’d be Piglet AND Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. Since Buddy was just like Winnie the Pooh, and I’m his best friend, you know. I’m also a VERY small animal. When you made me go to that scary vet, they said I weigh about 5.5 pounds. 

I’m like Tigger because I’m fierce like a tiger but I’m also very curious. I can’t climb trees, but I can climb couches and chairs and I can bounce with my whole body and scare things away. Water creatures are so interesting. Why do those leaf things float on water? Why is there foam? I just have to dip my paw in to find out. I’ll fetch you a leaf, Momma C, and maybe you can tell me why.